Week 7 digitalization
Well this week i got late to class hm ;( Well in digitalization marketing ni , kita kena tahu about this adik beradik ni : 1) e-business 2) e-marketing 3)e-commerce 4)social computing Pastu pasal evolution of internet Web 1.0 is all about information . Meaning to say people can easily find things on internet. Dunia hujung jari lah gituuu Web 2.0 is all about user Generated Content//intergrated communication contoh cm socmed. Human can interact with other people all around the world in all kind of presentation; communicate, video, picture, poster etc Web 3.0 is all about socialization. A development of a way of communication: Artifact Intelligent. Human can talk to technology anywhere, anytime and anyhow gitu Look, bnyakkan kemudahan skrg . Im impressed SOCIAL COMMERCE: BENEFIT TO CUSTOMER Can identify/test new product and ideas quickly Business player can learn customer behavior/experiance via rapid question Create more effective mar...